Web Design is our sweet spot.

Every concept starts with design, and our designers are constantly looking for new ways to wow you.

We’ll let the experts handle this, shall we?

Our in-house CME creates and publishes content in a standard format without the end-user needing to know HTML or other programming languages

Search Engine Optimisation

We pride ourselves on our SEO processes and are devoted to creating a space for your online identity that will not be swallowed up by the vastness of the internet


Ever heard of having an “online identity”? Well, this happens to be our speciality.
We aim to create effective online presence for all our clients through innovative, custom web design. To add to this we offer your online identity longevity and top-rate visibility on major search engines...


Marketing Strategy

Twitter and Facebook are a company’s essential tools for engaging with potential or existing clients. Use it!

Web Development

Your big ideas deserve equally exciting solutions. We work with multiple technologies to produce the most effective applications.


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Ilink 247
Insight Plus
Grid Traq
Ilink Air
Business Solutions
Estate Management
Webhouse Stratatel
In-house CME (Manage)
The iLink247 process management platform is a software suite of proprietary developed business management modules each designed and configured to meet an individual company, organization or enterprise wide requirement
With this in-house, web-based tool, you can analyse your voice and data usage across your business and make the necessary adjustments as required…
Gridtraq is at the forefront of technology with the latest innovations incorporating GPS/GSM/ GPRS Vehicle Management Solutions…
Here at the Webhouse Group we pride ourselves on the various software solutions our company offers. iLink Air is an in-house content management platform that allows us to continually develop our software processes and programmes, ensuring streamlined, systematic website development for all our clients.
Webhouse Software Solutions specialises in developing Business Process Management Systems that are designed to increase the productivity of your business…
With this unique service offered by Webhouse, you are offered complete control over the management of online processes involved in estate management. We offer control over the following: the property directory, estate billing, the owner's directory, leases directory, contractors, gate control as well as transport manager functionality.
Telecommunication Expense Management Solutions
Our in-house content management engine makes it easier to create and publish content, to co-ordinate teams of authors and editors, to control branding and to reuse content across multiple channels
Ever heard of an exabyte? If you are somewhat an online fundi or just have an in-depth general knowledge then you will know that an exabyte is a really, really long number – something like a gigabyte, except a billion times longer. In numerical terms, an exabyte is known as being one quintillion (how amazing is this word?) bytes long and looks like this: 1000000000000000000 B.
So what does this have to do with Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)?
The point I’m trying to drive home is that the internet is an incredibly massive place that stores an incomprehensible amount of information recorded in exabytes. To put it into perspective: Data Scientist Kirk Borne explains that the amount of data generated from the dawn of time up to 2002 is recorded around the five exabyte mark. As this big data phenomenon took off, the numbers have become mind blowing. In 2011, it took about two days for the world to create the same five exabytes of data that it took humans eons to generate. In 2013, it took the world just 10 minutes to create five exabytes!
The above paragraph illustrates the importance of SEO in that the internet is a huge place and if your website has not been through rigorous SEO treatment, it is very likely to become sucked into a big black hole of information and rendered insignificant.
SEO is made up three important factors: content, keywords and competitors. It is a process where one edits their website content to a state where major search engines, namely Google, will pick it up. In this instance, content is king..
Most SEO processes are organic, ie: you cannot pay Google to rank your website at number one on a search list. Organic SEO entails constructing and amending your website content so that it will be picked up by major search engines using a clever selection of keywords, meta-tags and descriptions, incoming and outgoing links as well as intelligent URL and webpage architecture.
As per the Google SEO guide, here are some important tips to help with your SEO campaign:
1. Create unique, accurate page titles
2. Make good use of meta tag descriptions
3. Improve the structure of your webpage URLs
4. Make your site easier to navigate
5. Offer quality content and services
6. Write better anchor / link text
7. Optimise your use of images
8. Use heading tags appropriately
9. Make effective use of “robots.txt”
10. Notify Google if your site is a mobile site
The Webhouse Group offers stringent SEO processes when constructing and quality checking our client’s websites and realise that in this technological age it is a vital part of the package we offer.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and hope this post has helped you to understand the basics and importance of SEO.
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